Peabody’s new affordable workspace is located on the ground floor of our New Mansion Square development in Battersea. The site is expected to open in late spring 2024 and we’re now looking for businesses that have a connection to Wandsworth to become our first tenants.
Priority will be given to:
- Businesses already located in Wandsworth, or where their founders or the majority of employees are Wandsworth residents.
- People working in design, making, fashion manufacturing, tech or other creative industries.
- Founders and owners who are under-represented in the business community. At Peabody we’re committed to celebrating and learning from the rich diversity in our communities and would like to encourage business owners and entrepreneurs from minority ethnic communities to apply.
- Businesses that are at an early stage, are committed to creating employment for local people or have a purpose to deliver social value or public benefit.
- Businesses that are able to demonstrate how they will use the multi-use function of the workspace unit in a way that showcases their activities to passers-by on the square. This could include anything from allowing people to watch them work, displaying products they’ve made or hosting an event which is open to the public.