Steve Smith Hall (formerly Cumberland Market Estate), near Regents Park in Camden, was designed by architect C E Varndell. It has nine blocks and the first to be built, Datchet House, was completed by The Crown Lands Commissioners – later to become the Crown Estate – in the late 1920s.

A branch of the Regent’s Canal near the estate was filled in during the early stages of World War II and the area was turned into allotments as part of the ‘Dig for Victory’ food programme. The allotments remain on the estate to this day.

We bought Steve Smith Hall from The Crown Estate in March 2011. There are 43 allotments, tended by residents who belong to the Cumberland Basin Horticultural Society. They grow a wide range of produce, shrubs, herbs and flowers on these allotments, the most central in London.

A horticultural show is held on the estate each year and prizes are awarded for the best flowers and vegetables. The cups were previously donated by The Crown Estate Commissioners but these are now awarded by Peabody.

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