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Peabody’s Young People’s Awards recognise inspirational leaders

Four Peabody awards made of glass

Our Young People’s Awards recognise and celebrate the inspirational individuals and groups who have worked tirelessly to positively impact our residents and communities.

Published: 26/01/2023

These inaugural awards were established to celebrate young people, and champions of young people, who dedicate their time to creating inspirational community projects in our neighbourhoods.

Our first ever awards were held earlier this month, hosted generously by our partners Norton Rose Fulbright.

Sahil Khan, Director of Community Strategy, Partnerships and Funding said: “It has been heart-warming to see so many incredible young people and champions of young people who are passionate and motivated to make a real change in their communities. Each of these projects have had a huge impact in their communities, inspiring and engaging young people to thrive in their lives. Peabody supports young people across London and the south-east to help them develop new skills, make a difference in their communities and succeed in their lives.”

Winners of 2023 Young People’s Awards

Young Leader of the Year award

Young Leader of the Year Award: Tilly Rockall (18 years old)

Tilly is a Thamesmead resident, member of the Hawksmoor Youth Forum and local Community Champion. Tilly has overcome personal challenges to become a champion for young people, inspiring eight to 12 year olds to pursue their own goals while also acting as a Peabody Community Champion throughout the year. She has even learnt basic sign language to enable her to support more people in her community.

Accepting the award, Tilly said: “It feels amazing to win the award and be recognised for the volunteering and support I provide to other young people, particularly those with special educational needs like myself. I have taken part in a range of events and activities over the years, including consultation about the lighting in the local community. Recently, as part of a health and wellbeing project for our youth club, I delivered a self-care and pampering session to help younger members grow their self-esteem and confidence, and develop more positive mindfulness.”

Inspirational Impact Award: Preston Manor School, sixth form group

Inspirational Impact Award: Preston Manor School, sixth form group

Preston Manor Sixth Form students in Wembley, aged 17 to 18, have accumulated over 150 volunteering hours to combat discrimination at school. Recognising the need to celebrate the cultural diversity of their local community, they planned and hosted the school’s first ever Culture Day which involved a celebration of foods, clothes and dances from different parts of the community. They also conducted research on climate change which culminated in Project Paradise, a local green space which is complete with plants and bushes which promote mental health and wellbeing.

Guuleed Mohamed, Preston Manor School, sixth form student said: “It just feels like all of our hard work was worth it. I was so happy, as a group, we got to win something and were called up onto the stage. It did not feel real! But we can now see what young people can achieve when they come together to make and have an impact in their community”.

Kwame Kumaning, Preston Manor School, Sixth Form Pastoral Leader, said: “This award is a testament to what young people can achieve when they are given the opportunity and platform to address a social issue in their community. As a group, the young people are particularly excited and proud of themselves to come away with the award. The young people have worked extremely hard to make sure their social action project had a meaningful impact in their community, and for Preston Manor Sixth Form to have such a strong group of young people in the centre is an impressive achievement.”

Community Group of the Year Award: Leaders Community

Community Group of the Year Award: Leaders Community

Leaders Community based in Waltham Forest work with the most disadvantaged communities to help them build a future out of poverty. Using street dance workshops, they inspire young people to work towards and achieve their goals. For the past seven years, they have helped reduce to connect young people to reduce loneliness, tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and to build stronger community connections.

Maria Theodoulou, Project Manager, Leaders Community said: “We are overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive this award. Peabody fund so many worthy organisations who do such fantastic work in the local communities so we are truly honoured to have our work recognised in this way. Leaders Community is deeply rooted in the heart of the community and although we are a very small organisation we have connected with thousands of young people over the last seven years simply because of the amazing support we receive from the Peabody Chingford Team.”

Champion of Young People Award: Christian Johnson

Christian Johnson, CEO of CEF Lyncx, a charity based in Lambeth, has worked hard to support young people through the Covid-19 pandemic. The charity has helped to raise awareness of NHS health advice, offered virtual study sessions and helped with the transition back to normal life post-pandemic. He has also helped to raise £180,000 to create a safe space for young people in Lambeth, engaging them in community activities. Christian has championed the charity with organisations such as Lambeth Council, the Metropolitan Police and the London Mayor’s Office.

Christian said: “Winning the 'Champion of Young People's Award' is an unexpected delight. It’s a recognition that will in many ways provide a significant boost to the confidence in our charity, Community Education Foundation & Lyncx to work with young people in Lambeth. To which I can say that without the young people, their parents and the community that believe and continue supporting our cause, our achievements wouldn't have made it to the nominations stage of these Awards. I would therefore, on behalf of our Charity's Trustees, like to express my sincere gratitude to all who continue to support work.”

Volunteer of the Year Award: Cherie Barnet

Volunteer of the Year Award: Cherie Barnet

Cherie is a long-time volunteer at the Hawsmoor Youth Hub and has worked hard to support the over 500 young people who use the service. Cherie works tireless at the Youth Hub, volunteering her time to offer fun and engaging events for the young people who come in to enjoy themselves.

Cherie said: “I am deeply humbled to win this award given how many wonderful groups and individuals are out there. I’m grateful that I have had the chance to work with some amazing charities and community groups. These awards are a fantastic way for organisations from all over to showcase their work and for others to gain ideas to share with their communities. I especially enjoy working alongside the Moorings community team to bring the residents of Thamesmead together in a friendly and fun environment, as well as to provide free food.”

If you would like to find out more about the activities and programmes offered by our Youth Social Action team, please visit our Services for Young People page or contact Kay Doragh:

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