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Update from Ian McDermott, Peabody Chief Executive.

Published: 09/12/2022

Update from Ian McDermott, Peabody Chief Executive.

Tackling damp and mould in people’s homes is an absolute priority for us, and our Board, committees, and executive team have strong oversight of this issue. 

Our residents can report damp and mould in several ways, including on our website and we have also stepped up our communications to raise awareness of the issue and how we can help. Over the past two years, we’ve put a host of things in place to better support our residents. Some of these are: 

Dedicated Damp, Mould and Condensation Team

We introduced a dedicated team to help manage complex cases and deal with escalations. We are now strengthening the team and accelerating their work. 

Dedicated supply chain

We procured and continue to grow a dedicated supply chain to help manage cases.  From surveying to mould treatment and the monitoring and delivery of remedial work, the team is working hard to tackle damp and mould as quickly and efficiently as possible. A dedicated, specialist team also prevents capacity challenges in our day-to-day repairs service. The availability of the necessary specialist contractors and materials is increasingly challenging, and we would welcome the government’s support in addressing this.

Robust case management

Our Customer Care Team has strengthened our case management process to ensure all newly reported cases are triaged, tracked and monitored through to completion. The team also manage aftercare, following up with residents after the work is complete to ensure the issue remains resolved.

Proactive reviews

We have reached out to over 10,000 residents living in the highest risk properties for damp, mould and condensation. As we go into the winter months, we’re ramping up our proactive resident communications on damp and mould and are asking residents to raise concerns with us so we can resolve the issue and prevent further problems developing. 

Case reviews and audits

We carry out case reviews and audits of existing cases to ensure works are progressing, and that residents remain safe in their homes. We’re reviewing all higher risk cases and ensuring we move residents if living conditions are unacceptable. 

Piloting new approaches

We have also run pilots which have had a positive impact in identifying damp and mould risk before it occurs. We’re now rolling these out more widely, utilising technology to help prevent recurring problems in blocks. 

There is much more to do. We are not complacent. We are absolutely committed to strengthening our complaints handling, investing in local services and repairs, and accelerating planned investment work in existing homes. We need to make sure that everyone’s home is safe and comfortable, that residents are heard and that issues with people’s homes are resolved quickly.   

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