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Transforming the garden of a supported housing scheme

Two people planting a rose in the scheme garden

One of our supported housing schemes for young people in Hertford is getting a garden transformation, thanks to a £700 grant from Hertfordshire County Council.

Published: 17/01/2024

The grant will enable us to brighten up the outdoor areas by introducing more plants, bird feeders and hanging baskets. We’re also getting some much-needed gardening equipment. 

By encouraging residents to get involved and take ownership of the project from day one, we’ll empower them to maintain and develop the garden in the long-term. Our team will provide support as needed and help our residents make the most of being in nature. 

Adding plants and colour outside the building will also make the scheme feel more welcoming and homely. This will help new residents to settle in and feel more at home. 

Ollie, one of the residents commented on the news: “I think the garden [improvements] will be beneficial as it will make it easier for us to socialise and it will also promote wellbeing as we can help to plant the plants and take care of them.” 

Karen Hatchell, the Scheme Manager, added: “Being outdoors, growing plants and supporting wildlife are proven ways to boost wellbeing. This grant opens the door to a range of fulfilling activities for our residents and will provide a calming space for them to spend time. We’re excited to see the difference this makes.” 

Councillor Ben Crystall, Hertfordshire County Councillor for Hertford All Saints Division, said: “Hertford's Rose Court, along with The Peabody Trust, do fantastic work supporting vulnerable young adults in our area and it's vital to support this project, to help give staff and residents a welcoming, friendly environment and boost the feeling of community. This grant will help do that.” 

Rose Court provides accommodation and support for 16-to 25-year-olds who have experienced homelessness or left care. Our team give each young resident tailored guidance to help improve their wellbeing and independent living skills, so that they can move into longer-term accommodation. In October, we celebrated Rose Court’s 10th anniversary and a former resident came back to share her story. 

Read more about how we support young people who have experienced homelessness. 

Want to join our supported housing team? Check out our job vacancies. 

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