How supported housing gave Molly a “safe haven”

Molly lived in one of our supported housing schemes for young people aged 16 to 25. She describes how the experience changed her life, helping her gain self-worth and lasting independence. 

“Before I came to Rose Court, I had a difficult time and suffered a lot of traumas from a young age.  

“I lost my dad when I was six and didn’t have the best relationship with my mum. I really struggled at home and at school because I felt completely misunderstood. I didn’t understand myself, and no one around me did either.  

“I never had a stable home and drifted between family and friends. After exhausting all my options, I didn’t know what to do next or where to live.  

“One of my friends took me in for the very last time and supported me to register with the council. Soon after, I was referred to Rose Court, a supported housing scheme in Hertfordshire. I met the team to check it was the right fit for me and moved in a few days later.  

“My confidence was shattered and, at first, I lacked trust. It took me time to understand that the people here wanted to help me, and work with me, rather than against me. 

“At Rose Court I had a light bulb moment. I started listening to the team and following their guidance to do the self-development workbooks, cook my own meals and manage my bills. I learned how to have healthy relationships and how to build a relationship with myself. I even managed to get back into work.    

“Moving into Rose Court gave me my safe haven. A place that was all mine where I didn’t feel like a burden to anyone, and I finally felt I could settle for the first time.   

“I can't thank my support worker enough for believing in me and not giving up on me. They helped me to manage my tenancy and turn my life around. Thanks to them, I now rent my own flat - something I’d craved all my life.  

“Having a place to call home gave me more stability. I truly believe today that having a safe space, support, and a good community around you are fundamental for people who are struggling. All of which I received at Rose Court.  

“Fast forward to today, I’m a life coach, a healer, and I’m training to become a yoga teacher. I’m currently setting up my own charity, inspired by the services at Rose Court, to help others realise they’re not alone and create a safe space for those in need.” 

Read more about our young people services 

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