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The winners of our gardening competition

Alternative 2

We held a gardening competition for some of our care and support residents over the summer. It was great way to spend time outdoors together and show off their horticultural achievements.

Published: 27/09/2023

We received entries from lots of people who have a disability and live in our specialist housing schemes. They demonstrated their skills and enthusiasm in three categories: ‘best communal garden’, ‘best pots and hanging baskets’ and ‘best alternative garden’. 

Best communal garden 

Sunrise Avenue, a supported housing scheme, emerged victorious in the ‘best communal garden’ category. The grassy area is bordered by colourful plants and trees. There’s also a wall mural depicting outlines of three residents against a starry backdrop. 

The judges were blown away. They loved the wall mural and thought the garden was “nice and pretty”.  

When the residents found out they won they said: “hey that’s great!” and gave a double thumbs up. 

Sunrise Avenue

Best pots and hanging baskets 

The ‘best pots and hanging baskets’ category was won by Gallimore Lodge, one of our care homes. They created a vibrant display of bright pink flowers, decorated with animals. 

The judges said the flowers “give the place a friendly atmosphere” and were “very pretty”. 

Gallimore Lodge

Best alternative garden 

The ‘best alternative garden’ prize went to a resident in Essex. He planted a bed of flowers and plants alongside garden gnomes, pottery ducks and floral windmills. 

The judges “liked the design” and loved the “colourful” display. 

Best alternative garden

The runner-ups 

There were lots of incredible entries. These talented residents won runner-up prizes. 

Pioneer House

Pioneer House's colourful space

Beridge Road’s beautiful border

Beridge Road’s beautiful border

Laura’s potted tribute to Olly Murs’ wedding

Laura’s potted tribute to Olly Murs’ wedding. 

Rosemary’s hanging baskets.

Rosemary’s hanging baskets. 

How we chose the winners 

The competition was judged by the residents of one of our schemes in London. 

The judges selected their favourites from their own garden

Lin, one of the judges, picked her favourite entries based on “the atmosphere and environment of the garden and the interesting parts of it” and looked out for gardens that were “for people to enjoy with friends and family.” 

She described her experience: “It was really good. It was something new. We had lovely staff with us.” 

Mark, another resident judge, added: 

“A lot of effort went into the gardens. It was hard to choose one between all of them. Someone’s love and passion has gone into it. They’ve all got good work. They all had the ability to win this competition.” 

Dave Black, our Director of Care and Support Commissioned Services, was also on the judging panel. He said: 

“Gardens are such important spaces for our care and support residents, and this was reflected in the entries. It’s wonderful to see how they all personalised their gardens – transforming them into diverse spaces where they can relax, socialise and have fun.” 

Congratulations to all our participants and winners! 

Learn more about our care, support and specialist housing services 

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